Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sesame Street Live

Cody has welcomed his little brother with open arms and is very good to him but he is having a hard time with having to share his time with mommy. He has had a hard few weeks and has begun to show his frusteration in a negative way towards me. Daddy is in Texas for 2 weeks for training and that has made things harder. Mimi came for the two weeks to help me out with the boys. We decided Cody needed and outing and a Mommy/Cody day. Uncle Cameron came over and babysat Carter and Mimi, Cody and I went to Sesame Street Live. Cody had a ball. He behavedIt was good to get out and spend time with him. He was pooped from all the excitement and fell asleep on the ride home!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Fall Family Fun

Saturday we loaded the car and went to the Corn Maze in Indian Trail. We parked the car in the lot and we loaded up on bails of hay and a tractor pulled us to the corn maze. Cody loves tractors so he had a ball. In order to stay on track once you enter the maze you have to answer trivia questions. They let you pick from several categories. We chose toddler trivia so Cody could answer the questions. Once you entered the maze and found the first stake labeled #1 you read the first question and the answer would tell you which direction to turn. Our first question was Mary had a little.....? Cody yelled out lamb and then began to sing the song. He proceeded to sing it through out the maze. It was so cute! Carter sat in the stroller and slept the entire time. We got lost a few times but we had a ball. When we found our way to the exit Cody said to us, " Mom I liked that Corn Cob Maze." We really had a fun family day!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Our Little Otters

Cody and Carley have been taking swimming lessons together. They are in the baby otters class at Little Otters swim school. We have all taken turns taking them. Kim and I started out the lessons but as our tummies got bigger and we got closer to our due dates we backed out and the daddies took over. Mena/Nana has also filled in since Cameron travels so much and Kim has been in the hospital with Caroline. These are photos from swimming lessons this past week!

Carter goes for well check

Carter went to the pediatrician this week for his one month well check. One month already...can you believe it? He is growing like a little weed! He now weighs 9 pounds and has grown over an inch in length. He is in the 50% according to his growth chart. He is a sweet baby and so pleasant. He will go back at 2 months for another growth check and for shots. He is smiling and cueing at us.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse

Cody turned 3! I can hardly believe my "baby" just turned 3 years old. It seems like yesterday we were in the hospital having him. He is growing up way to fast. He tells me daily that he is a big boy now. He turned 3 on Sept. 20th. We sent cupcakes to school on his birthday and celebrated at home that night. He and Carley got to go to Monkey Joe's and jump and have lunch at Chick-fil-a that week. Since Carter was also born in Sept. we had to push out Cody's family birthday party since I was trying to recover. We had his party on Sat Oct 6th. He did not seem to mind since it seemed like we celebrated something all month long. He had a Mickey Mouse birthday party! We rented a bounce house and he and the cousins jumped and jumped. He had such a good time. He was completely worn out by the time he went to bed that night. He told Stephen and I over and over that he had a good time and thank you for his good party! He is such a joy and so thoughtful. He had a great day and you could see the sheer joy on his face.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Carolina Cousins

Carter and Caroline were born seven 1/2 weeks apart. Cody and Carley were born about 2 1/2 months apart and are the best of friends and love each other to death. We hope that the newbies will be just as close. This is the first time they have seen each other up close. Wonder what they are thinking ???????

Story Time

Story time at the Williams house is a very special family time. Cody loves to have us read to him so every night after bath time we all crawl up in our bed and read stories. We felt like it was very important to continue our routine especially when Carter arrived home. Cody made sure that his new baby brother understood all about story time. In fact the first night Carter was home Cody decided he would read Carter his first story. "Are you my mother?" is one of his favorites so he chose that one to read to Carter first followed by many others. He told him that this was a good book had he heard it? (I know Carter was thinking only for 9 months buddy you make mommy read it every night) What a hoot!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Weighing In

Carter had his first Dr visit last week. At one week he had already gained 7 oz since we left the hospital . The Dr checked him out and was pleased with his weight gain. He was jaundice when we left the hospital but that has cleared up. We will go back in several weeks for another growth appointment.

Brotherly Love

Cody is absolutely fascinated with his new baby brother. He is VERY helpful and loves to hold him any chance he gets. They seem to have bonded already.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


We were released from the hospital on Friday. Our family suprised us with a stork in the front yard. When Cody arrived home he ran up to the stork and said, " Daddy look a duck!"