Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Weighing In

Carter had his first Dr visit last week. At one week he had already gained 7 oz since we left the hospital . The Dr checked him out and was pleased with his weight gain. He was jaundice when we left the hospital but that has cleared up. We will go back in several weeks for another growth appointment.

1 comment:

Peggy Cerny said...

I'm so glad Carter is doing well. Looks like he has a pal forever in Cody. It is always so good when the older one bonds with the younger one - it really is an adjustment. Allison was lucky tht hers bonded well too - that makes it much easier for mom and dad. We saw Cam over the weekend and he was catching us up on everthing. You are fortunate and blessed. Give both the boys a hug for us.