Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Man of the Hour

Carter Logan Williams


Peggy Cerny said...

Hi Guys,
Congratulations to all. Got your email today about the blogspot, but was not able to reach it with the address you gave. I played around with the address, trying addresses similar to Caroline's and was then able to get to your blog. Carter is so cute and I know ya'll are excited. Jennifer, you and Cameron have given Nana and Grandpa way too much excitement recently.
How neat will it be to have two more cousins growing up together. Not many people get to have that experience. Loved all the pictures and we're glad everybody is doing well. Stephen you definitely look like a proud papa and Jennifer you look great for just having given birth. We'll check back regularly.
Peggy Cerny

The Williams Family said...

Hi Guys!!
Sorry it's been so long!1 Congratulations on Carter is adorable. We can't wait to see him and spoil him. Cody looks like he is enjoying him. Jen I hope you have a speedy recovery and we look forward to seeing you soon.We love you all and you are in our thought and prayers. Congratulations again and we love you!!

Rhatt & Laura Hall