Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor Day

We enjoyed our Labor Day holiday by cooking out and spending time with family. Jennifer had minor contractions throughout the day but nothing to get excited about. After following our normal nightly routine of story time and getting ready for work we settled in for a good nights rest. Little did we know that Carter had other plans for us.

I had just dosed off when I was awakened by Jennifer calling my name. It startled me and I said to her " Don't yell my name out like that I thought your water broke". Jennifer replied, "I think it did"! That is when I jumped into action loading the car and gathering our last minute items while Jennifer called her doctors office. I then notified both sets of parents and called Uncle Cameron to come stay with Cody while we went to the hospital.

1 comment:

Amy Robertson said...

I love the blog! Thanks for sharing with us. Carter is so adorable!!!! I love the pictures of Cody checking out his little brother. Take care!