Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sesame Street Live

Cody has welcomed his little brother with open arms and is very good to him but he is having a hard time with having to share his time with mommy. He has had a hard few weeks and has begun to show his frusteration in a negative way towards me. Daddy is in Texas for 2 weeks for training and that has made things harder. Mimi came for the two weeks to help me out with the boys. We decided Cody needed and outing and a Mommy/Cody day. Uncle Cameron came over and babysat Carter and Mimi, Cody and I went to Sesame Street Live. Cody had a ball. He behavedIt was good to get out and spend time with him. He was pooped from all the excitement and fell asleep on the ride home!

1 comment:

Peggy Cerny said...

So great to have that one on one time with the older child. Allison has to spread that around among her three little ones and it can be challenging. Sounds like Carter is doing great. He and Cody will have such fun growing up close to Carly and Caroline. Keep enjoying every day - they grow up way too quickly. Hugs and kisses.
Peggy Cerny