Friday, October 12, 2007

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse

Cody turned 3! I can hardly believe my "baby" just turned 3 years old. It seems like yesterday we were in the hospital having him. He is growing up way to fast. He tells me daily that he is a big boy now. He turned 3 on Sept. 20th. We sent cupcakes to school on his birthday and celebrated at home that night. He and Carley got to go to Monkey Joe's and jump and have lunch at Chick-fil-a that week. Since Carter was also born in Sept. we had to push out Cody's family birthday party since I was trying to recover. We had his party on Sat Oct 6th. He did not seem to mind since it seemed like we celebrated something all month long. He had a Mickey Mouse birthday party! We rented a bounce house and he and the cousins jumped and jumped. He had such a good time. He was completely worn out by the time he went to bed that night. He told Stephen and I over and over that he had a good time and thank you for his good party! He is such a joy and so thoughtful. He had a great day and you could see the sheer joy on his face.

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