Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Carolina Cousins

Carter and Caroline were born seven 1/2 weeks apart. Cody and Carley were born about 2 1/2 months apart and are the best of friends and love each other to death. We hope that the newbies will be just as close. This is the first time they have seen each other up close. Wonder what they are thinking ???????


Kim said...

Jenny and Stephen Carter is so cute. I love the pictures of Caroline and Carter together. We have really enjoyed yall being close to us as Carley and Cody have become close. I am sure that Carter and Caroline will be close as well. Love you guys...

Peggy Cerny said...

Jenny and Stephen,
What a good big brother Cody is. Looks like Carter is fitting right into the family routine. I'm glad he is growing well and that Cody has taken to him. The pics of Carter and Caroline are priceless. (It's hard keeping all those "Cs" straight sometimes ! ! !)I know you are so glad to be living in the same town so the cousins can grow up close. Plus Nana and Papa can have "one stop visiting" when they come to see the grandkids. Thanks for the updates on the blog. Give the kids a hug for us.