Friday, November 14, 2008

Carter's first haircut

Why is it so hard for us mommies to take our little ones for their first hair cut? Carter's hair was so funny because like his brother he has a cowlick in the front of his head. Cody's hair stood up on it's own but not Carter's. The back of his hair in the middle had body (got that from his dad) but the sides was straight as a stick (like mommy). So he just needed a trim to clean up the look and avoid a mullet look. Still I hated to think about his first haircut....once you do that they look like little boys and less like babies. Right after one of Cody's soccer games we took Carter to Jelly Beans for his first haircut. It is a cute kid's shop. They only charge a penny for their "first" hair cut, give you a first hair cut certificate, lock of their hair and the child gets a balloon with a bag of jelly beans typed to it to weight it down. Carter did so good. He did not cry or squirm.

1 comment:

Peggy Cerny said...

The haircut pictures were great, Jennifer. We don't have a place like that in Huntsville. What a memorable experience.
Peggy Cerny