Friday, October 17, 2008

Cody's first trip to the dentist

In an effort to prepare Cody for his first visit to the dentist Stephen and I talked to him for weeks prior to his appt. We even read him a book about going to the dentist. The day came and I took him early so that he could have time in the waiting area to play and look around. Everything was fine or so I thought until the dentist came into the room. He panicked. OK a better description of what took place is he pitched a fit. Well to be honest I think he was more upset that his play time in the fun waiting area was cut short. He could car less that they were playing a movie in the dentist room. The dentist was wonderful despite the outburst. She was calm, friendly and reassured him he would be fine. The hygienist was able to clean his teeth while I held him in the chair. I took several photos as we went into the office and planned to take some while he got his teeth cleaned so that I would have them to scrapbook. Well that all went out the window since I had to hold him down not to mention my nerves were shot and it slipped my mind. He managed to get himself together before we left and apologized to the hygienist and told her he would try and do better next time. She told him that they were pals and she gave him and toothbrush, toothpaste and a T-shirt.

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