Friday, November 14, 2008

Skytop Orchard & Chimney Rock

We had a family outing day and went to Skytop orchard and chimney rock. In all the years I have lived in Greenville I had never been to this apple orchard. It was a lot of fun. Carter loves balls and when he saw all the apples on the ground he pointed and said ball and we said no apple. So all afternoon we told him apple and by the end of the day he could say it. So now when he sees an apple he points and says apple. Stephen helped him pick on and he held onto it for dear life and would not let us take it from him to put in the basket. Cody enjoyed picking and filling the basket. We took lots of pictures, picked apples, tried an apple donut and the boys sat on a pumpkin. Then we ate lunch and headed over to chimney rock. We took hiked to the top with the boys and the view was amazing. It was a fun family day.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

OH my gosh! I love that picture of you and Carter. I could eat him up....he is the cutest thing. I didn't know you guys had a blog, love the green and yellow dots.