Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dr appt's

Carter had a follow up ENT appointment. He had tubes put in back in September. His ears drain all of the time and he has continued to get ear infections. Dr Phillips does not feel like the tubes have worked as well as they should have for him. Dr Phillips discussed taking Carter's adenoids out and replacing his tubes. He is not sure if that will correct the issues. I was not comfortable all of this. The boys both had a follow up appointment with Dr. Butcher. She wanted to see Carter after his hospital visit and see how the boys were doing. She discussed the results of several test that were run on the boys. So far all test results have come back normal. They have been testing the boys for metabolic/genetic diseases. So far so good. PRAISE GOD! Dr. Butcher does not feel like Carter needs to have any surgery at this time. She does not think he needs his adenoids removed now. We are going to hold off on that at this time. We have had a good week this week with no sickness. Keep praying!

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