Sunday, April 12, 2009


The doctors told me that as they worked with Carter's IV levels to regulate his hydration level it was my job to get him to drink something on his own. That was my main focus for 5 days. I tried everything including playing "drinking games" as I call them. On Friday the weather in Greenville was really nasty. The sky outside our window was dark, trees were blown over, it was raining very hard and power lines were down. I was getting Carter settled for the night so that the nurse could come in and do his medicines before bed when I heard an announcement in the hallway. I stepped out to hear better and they were issuing a CODE 5 telling all personnel to follow procedure. I assumed that it had to be weather related. In less than 5 minutes an announcement was made in our room advising all patients to close the blinds, gather valuables and evacuate to the hall. Carter's door flung open and his nurse grabbed his crib and IV pole and headed to the hall. She told be to get my valuables (She already had that covered as far as I was concerned) and to follow her. The weather service had issued tornado warning/watch for the area. So if things had not been rough enough Carter and I spent 2 hours in the hall with other sick children. I was nervous and called Stephen to make sure he and Cody were ok. I could not believe this was happening but all I could do was laugh out loud. That eased my fear and kept me from crying. The saying is the calm before the storm. Well I have had the storm so COME ON CALM.

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