Thursday, August 14, 2008

Caroline's 1st birthday

Our sweet Caroline turned 1 in July and we all headed to Jacksonville to Cam and Kim's new house to help celebrate this wonderful day and milestone. She is such a cutie. The cousins had a ball. Carley and Cody squealed when they saw each other. They truly enjoy each other. Cam and Kim's new house is beautiful and we had a great visit. We went to their neighborhood pool on the 4rth and had a cookout. We took the kids fishing at the dock one night and then shot fireworks. Caroline is such a happy baby and it was so fun helping her celebrate. She is such a joy and our family is truly blessed to have her a part of it. She got loved on all weekend.

1 comment:

Kim said...

The pics. of Caroline are precious. we had a great visit and appreciate all of your help at Caroline's party! love you!