Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beach Trip 2008

Each summer we go to Myrtle Beach. Mom and Dad have a timeshare and we go for a week. Cam and his family did not join us this summer as they had just moved to Florida prior to the trip and were still trying to get settled. This was Carters first trip to the beach. He loved it. He splashed and dug and had such a ball that he even took a nap on the beach. Cody practised in the pool what he had learned from swimming lessons. He also kept busy by digging in the sand and riding Uncle Cam's bugging board. We ate at Calabash and Cody liked looking at the different boats. One day the guys played golf and then they took the kids while the girls shopped. We got ice cream one night and Carter snatched my cone away from me and tried to cram it in his mouth. Carter loved the water and splashed and splashed. We went to Boardwork on the Beach and Cody and his dad built a car that he named "Fireball".

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