Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Poor Carter

Carter has been sick a good bit this past month. He has had 2 ear infections, a sinus infection and another infection that causes a slight rash. He is not even in day care right now and is getting sick....Strange. He is a trooper but I know he hurts. The worst was the first ear infection. He refused to eat or drink and it took the antibiotic almost a week to work. He began to stop having wet diapers so he had to go back several times in one week. Looks like we may be headed down the same path as we did with Cody. They appear to both have trouble with ear infections. Tubes may be on the horizon.

Starting chores early

Cody loves to "HELP". He is a very independent child and like the little red hen he says to us often, "I can do it myself". It is not uncommon to find Papa Abbott out in the driveway washing cars on Saturday. Since we been living with mom and dad while we wait for our house in Charlotte to sell Cody has been helping with lots of new things. He has been putting his dirty cloths in his laundry basket since he was two. He likes to help me fold cloths or put them in the wash because we make it a game. He helps dad wash cars and many times he assists mom in the kitchen.

7 Years

On July 28th Stephen and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. Boy does time fly. I am so blessed. I have a devoted husband who is caring and adores me and our children. He is a wonderful father. I call him Mr. Mom....he takes the kids to school and picks them up and starts dinner do to my new schedule. He is so good with the boys and he is the one they want when they are sick. He listens to me, encourages me and puts up with me when I am one of those moods. So many couples our age do not even make it the first year. We have made it 7 years plus the year we dated. God has a plan for us and our family.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Caroline's 1st birthday

Our sweet Caroline turned 1 in July and we all headed to Jacksonville to Cam and Kim's new house to help celebrate this wonderful day and milestone. She is such a cutie. The cousins had a ball. Carley and Cody squealed when they saw each other. They truly enjoy each other. Cam and Kim's new house is beautiful and we had a great visit. We went to their neighborhood pool on the 4rth and had a cookout. We took the kids fishing at the dock one night and then shot fireworks. Caroline is such a happy baby and it was so fun helping her celebrate. She is such a joy and our family is truly blessed to have her a part of it. She got loved on all weekend.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Take me out to the Ball Game

We took Cody to see his first baseball game. Carter stayed with Mimi while we went to see the Greenville Drive Baseball Team play. We rode the trolley to the stadium. He really enjoyed the game. He sat still and asked his dad a thousand questions. At the end of the game all of the kids can come onto the field and run the bases. One of the coaches gave Cody a game ball.

July 4rth

My new employer puts on a big July 4rth Family Day. They have BBQ, games, rides, prizes, ect. We took the kids, ate, let Cody play and at dark watched fire works. We had a really good time.

Busy Boy

I thought Cody was a busy boy baby! Wow! Carter is all over the place. I think a lot of it has to do with having an older sibling to watch. Carter tries so hard to keep up with Cody. He loves to play in mena's cabinets. The tupperware and pot cabinets are his favorite.

Beach Trip 2008

Each summer we go to Myrtle Beach. Mom and Dad have a timeshare and we go for a week. Cam and his family did not join us this summer as they had just moved to Florida prior to the trip and were still trying to get settled. This was Carters first trip to the beach. He loved it. He splashed and dug and had such a ball that he even took a nap on the beach. Cody practised in the pool what he had learned from swimming lessons. He also kept busy by digging in the sand and riding Uncle Cam's bugging board. We ate at Calabash and Cody liked looking at the different boats. One day the guys played golf and then they took the kids while the girls shopped. We got ice cream one night and Carter snatched my cone away from me and tried to cram it in his mouth. Carter loved the water and splashed and splashed. We went to Boardwork on the Beach and Cody and his dad built a car that he named "Fireball".