Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This year more than ever we have so much to be thankful for. We have had a tough year but God is good. Our boys are healthy and growing like weeds. Stephen and I have a great relationship and are blessed to have great families. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We now have a contract on our NC home and were scheduled to close December 10th. We got a call last week from the agent asking if we would be willing to move the date up. UH YEAH! So Lord willing we close December 7th. It will be sad to let go but we are ready to close that chapter in our lives and finally move forward to begin getting settled back in SC.

All is God's timing

As most everyone knows we have had our house on the market since June of 2008. Stephen accepted a job that moved us back to Greenville. So we moved and started new jobs and began a new chapter in SC. Who would have guesses that the economy would tank. Well of course it would when we needed to sell. We have been living with family (both sets on separate occasions) since May of 2008. We are so grateful to have families who would allow us to camp out with them during this tough year. Many people say I could not live with others for that long. Well you don't know what you would do unless you were in the situation. I will admit it has not been easy but things could have been worse. At least we had each other and we were not homeless. All things happen is God's timing. I know that he had a bigger plan for the Williams family. I will admit that some days Stephen and I both said okay any time now...we get it..a year and a half is plenty of time. I think we have all grown during this past year. Our boys are healthy and that was our main concern. As a family we have prayed that God would bring the right person along that needed our home. And he delivered.