Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Prayer Request

We have so much to be thankful for. God is good and has provided. We have still not sold our home in NC. We are living with family and have been since June 2008. Things for the most part have been good but after 8 1/2 months everyone needs some space. We know that it is in God's hands and we ask that family and friends remember us during this tough time and pray that our home sells soon so we can begin to get settled in SC.

Times Flies

Wow! It has been forever since I last posted. The Williams family has been pretty busy. The last 4 weeks have been tough as the boys have been battling the stomach virus. As Cody told his Dr. "I am over it". The boys are growing so fast and keep us busy. Cody is 4 and so independant. He is so smart and a very caring child. Carter is busy. He is a climber and all over the place. He adores his big brother and watches everything he does. God has truely placed Stephen and I with two wonderful little boys. I feel lucky to their mom and it is an honor to raise them.