Sunday, September 28, 2008

Carter's first birthday

Our baby turned 1 yrs old on Sept 4th. He shares his birthday with Mena and Papa's anniversary. When my water broke that night I called mom and dad and said looks like I will be delivering your anniversary present real soon you just need to drive to Charlotte quickly to pick it up. Boy does time fly. I can hardly believe a year has passed and our baby is one. He is such a joy and a wonderful addition to our family. He adores Cody and has a wonderful personality. He is very loving and likes to cuddle. Since we in transition and trying to sell our house in NC we had his first birthday party at Gymboree. Carter loves Gymbo the clown and dances if you sing him the Gymboree song. It is a hoot to observe. He had a great day and was worn out by the time the party ended. He fell asleep on the ride home. We went out for Mexican food that night at El Tajana and they sang to him in Spanish and made him wear a special party hat.