Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So far so good!

We are all in Greenville now. Our house in Charlotte is on the market and we are praying for a buyer to come along soon. We have begun checking out the schools and trying to decide what part of town we would like to buy a house. We are also going to try and not to have to drive too far from work and school. The boys are both doing great and are growing like weeds. Cody is ready to get a house of his own here but also says he misses Charlotte.

April brings more than showers...change!

I began having gallbladder symptoms shortly after Carter was born but did not know that is what was going on at the time. Over time the attacks got worse and occurred more often. March was bad and I saw my dr who sent me for an ultrasound. Gallstones were detected at that time but the dr thought we would hold off on surgery at that time. Then in mid April I had a serious attack at work. I went to the dr at lunch who then sent me straight for another ultrasound and to meet with a surgeon. I had my gallbladder removed that Monday. If that was not exciting enough Stephen got a job offer with CCIC and opportunity was in Greenville, SC. So not only was I trying to recover from surgery but we had major decisions to make. OK let's be honest.....Stephen did not have to twist my arm much at the opportunity to come home. Both of our families are in Greenville so that made another move easy to discuss. We really have enjoyed Charlotte but this opportunity seemed just right. He accepted the job and the plan was for him to come in May and the boys and I would follow later. Then more doors opened. I was offered a great opportunity with Fluor. So the Williams family is relocating to Greenville SC. We have really enjoyed Charlotte. We love our church there and have made good friends. We are also excited about the new opportunities and our future.