Thursday, March 27, 2008


Do not click on the following comment under Double Trouble
I do not know this person and it may be a virus.......

JoJosho said...
See here or here

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Double Trouble

It appears that Cody and Carter already have a special brotherly bond. Cody loves his baby brother and is always trying to help and tells me what he needs. Carter watches everything Cody does and grins when his big brother enters the room, talks to him or shows him new baby toys. We are doing baby sign language with Carter also. Cody has picked it up very easy and trys to talk to Carter by using his hands. I am so grateful that I have two sweet natured beautiful healthy boys. I thank and praise God for them daily and love their special relationship.

Carter Eats Cereal

Carter turned 5 months in February and began eating rice cereal. He seemed to really like it and even grabbed the spoon a few times and tried to feed himself. Cody is always very involved in what his baby brother is doing. He wanted to help feed his brother breakfast one morning.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The circus was in town while we were in Greenville for Mena's birthday. Mena, Papa, Cody, Carter, and I went and had a ball. Cody loved all the animals and the snacks. He suckered his papa into buying him a bag of cotton candy as big as he was. Carter liked to look around at all that was going on but fell asleep towards the end.

Mena turns....shhhh don't tell

The boys and I went to Greenville for the weekend to celebrate Mena's and Daniels birthday. Someone in the Rowland family go the stomach bug so they had to postpone Daniels 1st birthday party. Cameron, Carley, and Cody made Mena's birthday cake. It was made with love. The kids had fun stirring the batter and icing the cake. Carley loved turning the lights on and off and yelling surprise. They defiantly made the birthday party exciting. We sang over and over.

Four Month Well Check

Carter went for his 4 month well check on January 31. He weighed 15 pounds (75%), height was 26 1/4 (90%), and his head width was 17 (75%). Dr Valder checked him out and said he looked great and was growing like a weed. He had to have shots at this visit. He was fussy for 24-48 hours and was just not his normal pleassant self.