Sunday, January 6, 2008

GiGi comes to town

My grandmother was in town for the holidays and got to come spend some time with us. She was able to meet our newest addition. The great grands call her Gigi.

Holidays and new traditions

Cody was a lot of fun during the holidays this year. It was Carter's first Thanksgiving and Christmas. Cody asked to help cook during Thanksgiving so Mena let him stir the mandarine orange salad. He said our Thanksgiving blessing and we went around the table and said something we were Thankful for. He helped me decorate the Christmas tree and helped his dad with the outdoor decorations. None of us had ever made a Gingerbread house so this year we got a kit and decorated one. It was a lot of fun for all of us. We sang Christmas songs in the car daily and road around at night looking at lights. We read the Night before Christmas each night and the boys got several new Christmas books to add to our collection. One new addition was the book Elf on the Shelf. Cody named our elf Elmer and he watched our house to report back to Santa on who was naughty and who was nice. We took the boys to see Santa and Cody talked about what he would tell him on the drive over. But when we arrived and it was our turn he had a change of heart. He was not so sure he was ready to sit on his lap. So he told me to let Carter (his baby brother) go first because he needed to warm up. After a little while he was fine and the boys sat on Santa's lap. Cody told Santa what he wanted and asked him where Rudolph was.

WAR EAGLE...Papa's Little Tigers!

Papa Abbott starts grooming the Williams boys at an early age by telling them all about Auburn football. He has bought them both Auburn gear and he calls me on game day to make sure they are dressed properly. Thanks to Papa Cody insisted on wearing an Auburn jersey or t-shirt EVERY Saturday during football season. He started the season with his t-shirt and jersey from last year but both were beginning to get a little short. It soon got to the point were Cody not only wanted to wear it every Saturday but the request them came to wear to school once or twice a week . I had to have a chat with Papa. I explained that I could not wash that jersey every day and I could not go through the meltdowns daily. Papa said he understood and was sorry he created a problem for me and he agreed to resolve it. So Papa resolved the problem (the washing issue only)....he bought him more gear. He got another t-shirt and two more jerseys..another blue one to replace the one that he had outgrown and a white one. Cody told Carter that he could have the stuff he out grew. Papa had his grandsons watch the Alabama game with him this year. Cody shakes his pomp pomp, chants WAR EAGLE at the kick off and screams Come on Baby...Get 'em Blue...just like Papa.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Well Checks

Cody and Carter both had well check ups in November. Cody had his 3 year old check and Carter went in for his 2 month check. Both did great. The Doctor said that Carter was the valedictorian of his class. He was off the growth chart for height (well he gets it honest) and right on schedule for weight. He weighed around 14 lbs. The doctor was pleased with Cody's growth and development. he will follow-up with the ENT in late December early January concerning his tubes.

Shiver Me Timbers

Cody and Carley were Pirates for Halloween this year! They practised just what to say....Arr matey...Trick or Treat! The church where Carley attends mothers morning out has a Halloween/Harvest festival every year so we took the kids. It was Caroline and Carter's first Halloween and they were also dressed for the occasion. As we were getting ready to leave the event we ran into a few pirates that looked oh too familiar. We got close to having to walk the plank! When we got home Cody went trick or treating on our street.

Riverbend Farm/Pirate Pumpkin

In October our Sunday School Class went to Riverbend Farm. We went on a hay ride through the pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin. I believe Cody picked the "GREAT PUMPKIN". He was inspired by the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown book his Mena gave him. The farm had animals, a fun playground for the kids and they took you on a tractor hay ride. We had a really good time.

Carter, Stephen and Cody decorated the selected pumpkin.
This year we had a pirate pumpkin.